
A powdery lake of exotic ice crystals fills a valley on one of the moons of Uranus in this dated concept. Oil on canvas, 1973.
Uranus Rings pre-Voyager visualization of the rings of Uranus viewed from passing comet (dated concept)
Uranus seen from Miranda

Uranus seen from Miranda

Miranda, a moon of Uranus, has apparently been shattered and reassembled many times, creating unique landforms - acrylic painting by Don Dixon for the Orange County Register

Uranus from Miranda
Uranus from Miranda
Deep rift valleys mark the surface of this strange moon that has apparently been repeatedly disrupted and reassembled ; digital, 2006, for Griffith Observatory, © Don Dixon
Uranus from Oberon

Uranus from Oberon

Uranus on the horizon of its moon Oberon, acrylic and gouache on illustration board, 1974. © Don Dixon

Uranus Rings Diagram

Uranus Rings Diagram

The Rings of Uranus- painting by Don Dixon for Scientific American